West Central Minnesota Continuum of Care
Working together to make homelessness rare, brief, and one-time.
Homeless Projects
As of January 2024, the West Central Region had 1,010 beds in homeless programs.​
Shelter beds: 133 (125 year round + 8 overflow)
Transitional Housing: 74
Permanent Housing: 803 (379 PSH + 68 RRH + 356 OPH)
A voucher or facility whose primary purpose is to provide a temporary shelter for someone who is homeless which does not require occupants to sign leases or occupancy agreements.
Shelters in the West Central region include:
Micha's Mission
Dorothy Day House
Launch Pad
Domestic Violence (DV) Shelter
A shelter (voucher, facility, or safe house) primarily or exclusively serving persons who are fleeing domestic or partner violence or trafficking.
DV Shelters in the West Central Region include:
Transitional Housing
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TH programs in the region include:
Dorothy Day Housing Supports
Micah’s Mission Housing Supports
Mahube-Otwa THP
White Earth THP
Homeless Youth Act (HYAP TH programs:
Lakes & Prairies
Rapid Rehousing (RRH)
Short to medium term rental assistance with support services for persons exiting homelessness.
RRH programs in the region include:
CAP LP THP Rapid Rehousing
Homework Starts with Home
Mahube-Otwa RRH
Mahube-Otwa FHPAP RRH
WCMCA Homework Starts with Home
White Earth RRH
Permanent Supportive Housing
Vouchers or a facility that provides rental assistance or leasing and optional support services to households who have at least one member (adult or child) with a disability to support housing stability.
PSH programs in the region include:​
Bright Sky Apartments
Dream Catcher Homes
Gateway Gardens
Housing Supports-CCHRA
Homeless To Housed
Lakes & Prairies PSH
Mahube-Otwa ELHF
Parkview Terrace
Park Manor
Prairie Horizons
Stability Vouchers
White Earth Homes
WCCA Housing Supports
VASH - Fargo VA
Other Permanent Housing
Rental Assistance Vouchers or a facility providing leasing assistance with optional support services to support households in gaining housing stability. Most households must have at least one member (adult or child) with a disability.
Apex Townhomes
Emergency Housing Vouchers
West River Townhomes