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Point-in-Time & Housing Inventory Counts

The Point-in-Time (PIT) count identifies who is unsheltered and who staying in emergency shelter and transitional housing beds on a single night or single point-in-time. The Housing Inventory Count (HIC) is an inventory of homeless units and beds available and dedicated to persons who are homeless during a single point-in-time. Together, the PIT and HIC assess system capacity and usage during a single point-in-time.


This year, the PIT and HIC will count who is homeless and our inventory of homeless beds for the night of 

January 22nd! 

Point-in-Time Count


The PIT collects the number and characteristics of persons who meet the HUD definition of homelessness on a single night.  The PIT includes both a sheltered (counting those shelter or transitional programs) and unsheltered count (counting those living outside or in places not meant for human habitation). Basically, the PIT tells us how many people do not have shelter and how many are staying shelter.

Who is included in the PIT? 

Sheltered: Persons utilizing dedicated emergency shelter, motel voucher, overflow/winter shelter, domestic violence/safe homes, and transitional housing programs. 

Unsheltered: Persons sleeping in a location not meant for residence including those staying in vehicles, outside, sheds, barns, fish houses, entry ways, buses, parks, tents, dilapidated homes, or similar. 



Hosing Inventory Count


What programs are included in the Housing Inventory Count? All programs that have units or beds designed specifically to serve persons who are homeless including emergency shelter, domestic violence, motel voucher, transitional housing, rapid-rehousing, or other permanent housing.  


Who should NOT be counted!  

  • Persons temporarily staying with family or friends (i.e., “doubled-up” or “couch surfing”).

  • Persons residing in institutions (e.g., jails, juvenile correction facilities, foster care, hospital beds, detox centers) unless being discharged on the day of the count without other housing.


Unsheltered Volunteer Training

Volunteer Instructions

Volunteer Agreement

PIT Survey-paper

PIT Observation Tool


PIT Live - Test site 

PIT Poster - WC CoC 

Youth Count Poster - WC CoC Poster 1

Youth Count Training PP

Unsheltered Training PP

Youth Count - paper copy

Youth count - online survey 



Veterans Handout 

Veterans Registry ROI

Anyone who knows of a homeless Veteran is encouraged to call 1-888-LinkVet (546-5838). Veterans can choose to join directly and anyone can refer a Veteran to join by completing the release of information form.

Authorized users may log-in to the Registry here.

If you are in a housing crisis visit and click on the interactive map to find the Access point for your county. Clay County residents contact 211. 


If you want information on becoming a member agency or CARES partner, please contact Carla at


The West Central Minnesota Continuum of Care (CoC) is dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness in the 10 contiguous counties of Becker, Clay, Douglas, Grant, Otter Tail, Pope, Stevens, Traverse, Wilken and Wadena, including the White Earth Tribal land.​​​​

Housed people are NOT homeless! 

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