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West Central Minnesota Continuum of Care

Working together to make homelessness rare, brief, and one-time.
Are you homeless?
In Moorhead, MN or Fargo, ND- call 211​
We are a regional collaborative of local, regional, and statewide partners dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness.
Our goal is to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring for everyone in our community.
Join us for regional meetings to identify a path to preventing and ending youth homelessness in our region! Snacks & lunch will be provided. Registration required.
January 29th from 11-3 in Alexandria
January 30th from 10-3 in Moorhead
January 31st via Zoom

Learn more about homeless services, CoC funding opportunities, how to get more involved, our homeless response system (CARES), and find resources.
Are you homeless?
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